

Komende zaterdag 4 mei wordt de happening ‘SCAMPI GALLERY’ afgesloten met een auction door Marianne Hoet (Head of Business Development bij veilinghuis Phillips) om 16u.

U kan nu reeds een bod plaatsen door een mail te sturen naar of breng uw bod uit live tijdens de grote spektakel auction.

Niet aanwezig? Wenst u gebeld te worden tijdens de veiling laat het ons weten via e-mail. Ook inbellen kan tijdens de veiling via het nummer dat zal worden meegedeeld tijdens de livestream van de veiling.

Voorafgaand aan de auction vindt een performance plaats door Melissa Mabesoone met een garnalencocktail aan feiten uit de "shrimp business", in de vorm van een spreekbeurt.


Van 26 april tot en met 4 mei 2024 transformeert kunstenaarsduo de “Pizza Gallery” om tot “SCAMPI GALLERY”

SCAMPI GALLERY is een happening gedreven door de ogenschijnlijk aangeboren liefde voor zeevruchten van Julien Neirynck en Maya Mertens met een bijbehorend door hen gecureerde groepsexpo rond hetzelfde thema.

Opening ball / Friday 26/4, 6 -11 pm

Closing Auction / Saturday 4/5, 4 pm


Sint-janstraat 52

2140 Borgerhout is een sinds 2016 actief kunstenaarsduo ontstaan uit de creatieve samenwerking tussen Maya Mertens (1992) en Julien Neirynck (1993). Hun werk omvat een veelheid aan performances, beeldende acties, voorstellingen en op maat gemaakte beeldende kunstprojecten. Met een voorliefde voor grilligheid en het combineren van verschillende disciplines evolueert hun universum voortdurend.

Yann Bronder - Cry Me A Riverbank

2160 eur richtprijs

Yann Bronder, born in 1990 in Belgium studied at KASK in Ghent and holds a master’s degree in Fine Arts from LUCA in Brussels. Bronder does not work in series.

Bronder works in time slots and works on several works simultaneously’ - Baronian Gallery

Max Adams -  Water vs. Laser

200 eur richtprijs

Max Adams lives and works in Brussels. He is a lighting designer primarily for dance, theater, and performance. After completing his bachelor's degree in Stage Techniques at RITCS in Brussels, he began working as a lighting technician at Rosas. Since 2020, he has worked as a lighting designer with a wide range of artists. The most recent projects he has been involved in include: "German Staatstheater" by Rosie Sommers and Micha Goldberg, "900 something days spent in the XXth century" by Némo Flouret, "Exit Above" by Rosas and Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, and "Scapegoat" by Ferenc Belcaen.

Hamer Kormeling - Lopen Is Het Nieuwe Zwemmen

1200 richtprijs

Hamer Körmeling( Funsun, 1995) Up-to-the-minute looks in hand wavy evolution, represented by Scampi. At the moment based in 2020 zip code. Achiever of the MFA KASK, Ghent. 

Hazel Ver Moesen - Amenoontje

500 eur richtprijs

Hazel Ver Moesen (°2000) creates objects, primarily made of wood and steel. They are influenced by a 'carpenting' tradition, where material and varnish are important. Her use of shapes and colors is inspired by collective nostalgia, architecture, and everyday objects and tools.

Ayrton Eblé - Soft Sharks (sinking pillows, it’s dreams that keep me afloat) #1-5

440 eur per stuk richtprijs

Ayrton Eblé (°1994) is a frequent, uninvited visitor to construction sites. Through pseudo-archeological research and a strict focus on the evolving perimeters of urban residential areas, the city reveals itself to him as a continuously developing field of study. He documents this phenomenon through photography, building an ever-expanding archive of visual material. This mode of observation, coupled with a continually growing archive, serves as the foundation of his artistic practice, which spans various disciplines including painting, installation, video, and site-specific work.

Emma Verhulst - Aal

1000 eur richtprijs

Emma Verhulst (°1994) is a visual artist who lives and works in Antwerp. Emma Verhulst obtained an MA in Fine Arts from the Sint Lucas School of Arts in Antwerp. At the beginning of her career, she completed internships in Toronto, Rotterdam, and Marseille, and had residencies at places like the Frans Masereel Centrum and AGA lab. She received the short-term grant from the Flemish Department for Youth, Culture, and Media. Emma Verhulst has held both solo and group exhibitions.

Ines Claus - La Shell EHBO

1000 eur richtprijs

Ines Claus (°1993, Antwerp) graduated in 2017 with a Master's degree in Liberal Arts from KASK Ghent. In her practice, she blurs the boundaries between drawing, painting, collage, publishing, and installation. Claus recycles motifs taken from everyday reality and embellishes them with swirls and checkered patterns. Through layered and audacious compositions, Claus creates a linguistic landscape composed of fragments found in the captivating realms of advertising, fashion, and interior design. The Rufus factor: Claus' brush renders brightly banal, elegant, and diabolical objects.

Rosanne Claes - Natura morta con pesci ed altri animali marini!

850 eur

The artistic practice of Rosanne Claes (Brussel, b. 1992) is driven by an ongoing fascination with the human will to happiness, and the manifold ways this striving is reflected in the historic and contemporary forms with which people surround themselves. Her drawings, sculptures and installations investigate and confront categories such as the sublime, the kitsch, the cute and the abject. In staging these aesthetic encounters she brings conflicting ideas at play: the autonomy of art, the beauty of the everyday, questions of taste, notions like the frivolous, the superficial or the grotesque.

Ayrton Eblé - Splish Splash

820 eur

Ayrton Eblé (°1994) is a frequent, uninvited visitor to construction sites. Through pseudo-archeological research and a strict focus on the evolving perimeters of urban residential areas, the city reveals itself to him as a continuously developing field of study. He documents this phenomenon through photography, building an ever-expanding archive of visual material. This mode of observation, coupled with a continually growing archive, serves as the foundation of his artistic practice, which spans various disciplines including painting, installation, video, and site-specific work.

Clément Jacques-Vossen - Grouffres dans l'oubli

5000 euro  

Clément Jacques-Vossen is a Belgian artist living and working in Brussels. His practice considers of small paintings (acrylic & ink) on paper, marouflé on wood. Those small formats are representing a fantasy world where kings, knights and legendary creatures are fighting for existence. They are in between drawing and painting. The battles or story’s that are depicting give a glimpse of the fantasy world that is living in the mind of the painter. Pink elephants are wiring city’s on there back, knights are fighting epic battles and roosters have lion’s feet. The paintings are made with intensive research about medieval manuscripts, 19th century images about history and contemporary culture.

Hamer Körmeling - Lopen Is Het Nieuwe Zwemmen

30 euro per stuk

Hamer Körmeling( Funsun, 1995) Up-to-the-minute looks in hand wavy evolution, represented by Scampi. At the moment based in 2020 zip code. Achiever of the MFA KASK, Ghent.

Ramona Vangrinsven - poppen

130 eur per stuk

Pieter Chanterie - Forever Fish

800 eur

Pieter Chanterie is a visual artist, born in 1996, in Leuven. He lives and works in Brussels.

His work varies from small paintings on wood to murals, drawings, (wall) sculptures and books. There’s a large focus on the object in itself and its materiality, but also on making the 3D- or 2D-object a window to elsewhere.

Jackie Shallcross-Platt - I didn't mean it like that


Jackson Is an Artist based in Antwerp. He works primarily

around the foci of Communication and Remediation. With a background in performing arts hisinterests include combining the (im)permanence of conventional sculpture within an

(im)permanent society.

Zeger Vetters - Frites de me(`)re

150 eur

‘Jonge kunstenaar zoekt oude collectioneur:

Zeger Vetters, 23


*Belgische vlag*


BE74739010563907’ - Zeger Vetters’

Dora Brams : Wessel di Wesseli - perpetuum mobile

80 per stuk

In their site-specific works, Dora Brams (°2000, Antwerpen) addresses systems such as color codes, urban planning and rules of play. Previously, Brams presented 'Goose step' (2023) at Pizza Gallery, a series of six steps attached to the gallery's spiral staircase. In "Scampi Gallery," Brams shows "Wessel di Wesseli," an edition of the Antwerp artist/scientist of the same name. With this work, Brams comments on how group exhibitions prioritize curatorial concepts over individual artworks, often resulting in a selection process based on mutual acquaintances rather than artistic relevance. By introducing the work of another uninvited artist, Brams questions the boundary between making and exhibiting. Di Wesseli's work, "Vredes Energieën Oogst Kunst Werken," is a design of a perpetuum mobile. Whoever can contradict his formula for "perpetual motion" will receive the work as a prize.

Nadjim Zoubir - Untitled 2024

oil on linen

200 x 150 cm

9000 eur

Maya Mertens & Julien Neirynck - Oesterbank

150 eur richtprijs

Deveny Faruque - A Small Fry  

350 eur

Deveny Faruque (°1995) is a multidisciplinary artist. She mainly works with installation and video but blends web design, coding, scenography, performance and sculpture in her practice too. Her video work borrows a cinematographic language from the entertainment industry combined with a disruptive digital note referring to popular media. Fiction is the glue to her fragmented and essayistic, yet non-linear approach. Her installation work is often an embodiment of that fictive world. She muses upon themes as memory, sense of belonging and placelessness through slow and emerging audiovisual experiences.

Deveny - Stranded Jellyfish

350 per stuk richtprijs

Deveny Faruque (°1995) is a multidisciplinary artist. She mainly works with installation and video but blends web design, coding, scenography, performance and sculpture in her practice too. Her video work borrows a cinematographic language from the entertainment industry combined with a disruptive digital note referring to popular media. Fiction is the glue to her fragmented and essayistic, yet non-linear approach. Her installation work is often an embodiment of that fictive world. She muses upon themes as memory, sense of belonging and placelessness through slow and emerging audiovisual experiences.

Fleur De Roeck - Boei

150 eur

Fleur De Roeck (°1992) paints, draws, creates objects, tents, polaroids, stickers, and sculptures in a distinctive dynamic line style and vibrant use of color. This multidisciplinary creative powerhouse recently started making music under the name Sinaas. Naturally fascinated by the theme of underwater fantasies, Scampi Gallery is a sublime match for her.

Fleur De Roeck - Zeedouche

200 eur

Fleur De Roeck (°1992) paints, draws, creates objects, tents, polaroids, stickers, and sculptures in a distinctive dynamic line style and vibrant use of color. This multidisciplinary creative powerhouse recently started making music under the name Sinaas. Naturally fascinated by the theme of underwater fantasies, Scampi Gallery is a sublime match for her.

Niloofar Vafamanesh - Broken friendship bracelet

900 eur

Niloofar Vafamanesh is an Iranian artist living in Antwerp. Her work is based around the depiction of childhood memories and feelings such as innocence, childishness and fearfulness. She focuses on how we store memories and the possibility to extend those rememberings in other forms.

Ramona Vangrinsven -  untitled

91 eur per stuk richtprijs